Painting days near Silves

Painting days

schilderen portugal

Price: 49,00€ 

Days: 5,6,7,8,9 Juni

Start: 10.00 am – 13.00 pm

A series of painting lessons designed to guide you and help you develop your painting skills at a beautiful riverside location with spectacular views of the countryside and river.

It is a perfect setting for a painting location as the surrounding countryside and views of the river will make you feel as though you have discovered a secret oasis. You won’t be at a loss when choosing your landscape scenes.

The itinerary is for guidance only and is subject to change depending on the group’s needs and wishes. There are 5 painting workshops:

    1. Natural Inspiration
    2. When colour runs riot
    3. En Plein Air Painting Landscape (Full Day with lunch)
    4. Ink and Mixed Media
    5. Suggestive Animals

Art Supplies

All art equipment is supplied so don’t worry if you’re just starting out. However, if you have favourite brushes, paints or materials then feel free to bring them along.

Choice of art supplies available for painting lessons include

  • graphite pencils,
  • chalk pastels,
  • charcoal,
  • watercolour,
  • ink,
  • brusho and
  • acrylic paints
  • A3 paper is the maximum paper size; should you like to work with large canvases, these can be purchased for you at an extra expense.

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